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Welcome! Come Prepared to Meditate and Heal Your Money Story! Abundance, Prosperity, & Success Are Yours
Welcome! Come Prepared to Meditate and Heal Your Money Story! Abundance, Prosperity, & Success Are Yours

Welcome! Come Prepared to Meditate and Heal Your Money Story! Abundance, Prosperity, & Success Are Yours

Hello there!  Thank you thank you for joining me for another episode of the podcast, and and immerse gratitude to you for your likes, shares, reviews, and subscriptions! More of my guided mediations, subscribe here on Youtube. As promised, here is a preview of the guided meditations I will be posting on an ongoing basis in an effort to offer you something in your healing and transformation journey. For a lot of us money is a big source of worry right now.  It may be helpful to go back a few episodes to Intergenerational Trauma Healing to begin to unravel the origins of your own money story, if you have not already done so.   All of this comes down to our ability to perceive the abundance (enoughness) surrounding us perpetually.  For a lot of us, we are more imbued with lack mindset than prosperity and wellbeing. Guided mediations during the day in my waking hours, or at night, have enriched my life greatly in my effort to communicate on deep levels to my subconscious mind, and today I'm happy to offer you a front row seat to a mediation I have voiced just for you.   I start off with about 10 minutes of discussion before leading you into the actual meditation, so come as you are but it will be great if you're ready to meditate.  If not, I'm happy to say hello hello for this week and you can come back at any time that you're ready to sit in a quiet space for relaxing and rewriting your story about success and money. Thank you for being here and I'll see you back next week! Connect with me: http://natalieque.com and http://instagram.com/natalieque And @natalie.que on Tiktok (lol)

Welcome! Come Prepared to Meditate and Heal Your Money Story! Abundance, Prosperity, & Success Are Yours

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