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What We Can Understand About Ourselves and Others By Studying the Unconscious Mind with Natasha Tiwari
What We Can Understand About Ourselves and Others By Studying the Unconscious Mind with Natasha Tiwari

What We Can Understand About Ourselves and Others By Studying the Unconscious Mind with Natasha Tiwari

Thank you for listening, sharing, subscribing, rating & reviewing but most of all for feeling, learning and connecting, I'm so glad you're here. It is my honor to present my guest, Natasha Tiwari, to have a deep and interesting conversation about understanding the architecture of the mind.  Natasha has been featured on BBC World, as well as GQ, Marie Claire, Glamour, Huff Po, Shondland, The Telegraph, Guardian, Observer, London’s Evening Standard.  She is an: Award winning psychologist, psychotherapist who has studied with Deepak Chopra, Brene Brown and Esther Perel Serial entrepreneur, mentor and investor As a psychotherapist and healer- she works with neuroscientific principles, the deep unconscious mind, healing inner child wounding and ancestral/generational trauma/past life trauma The result is an a full mind body soul healing experience, leaving her clients feeling free, light, elevated, and easily manifesting all they’re wishing for across love, money, career. If listeners want to learn more about her- they can join her mailing list for goodies and her musings, www.natashatiwari.co.uk Connect with her or DM her on instagram: @iamnatashat A special gift for YSiG listeners: www.natashatiwari.co.uk/spinout And I can be found at natalieque.com, TikTok.com/@natalie.que, instagram.com/natalieque, and Youtube Affirmations & Meditation Co

What We Can Understand About Ourselves and Others By Studying the Unconscious Mind with Natasha Tiwari

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