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EP265: DEI in Real Life: A Practical Guide on Allyship & Advocacy with Amber Cabral
EP265: DEI in Real Life: A Practical Guide on Allyship & Advocacy with Amber Cabral

EP265: DEI in Real Life: A Practical Guide on Allyship & Advocacy with Amber Cabral

If you’ve followed me for a while, you already know that throughout my podcasting journey, I've always strived to articulate complex emotions and concepts that we often find hard to express. That is why I am thrilled to have Inclusion Strategist, Author, Coach, and Podcaster Amber Cabral who is nothing short of a master at this craft when it comes to the DEI space. Amber brilliantly puts words to culture, equity, and privilege, addressing topics we often shy away from. Her insights have personally transformed my perspective, and I know they'll do the same for you and reshape how you navigate the world. Today, we dive deep into conversations that will challenge your thinking and provide you with a newfound understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Amber Cabral will equip you with the knowledge and mindset needed to foster a rich and real life for yourself and those around you, so believe me when I say this is a conversation you won't want to miss! KEY POINTS  - Breaking down the meaning of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - How DEI influences entrepreneurship, team diversity, and innovation - How to create inclusive environments and connect with others authentically with your audience - DEI isn't a one-time effort; it's an ongoing commitment - Ways to achieve both allyship and advocacy - Bridging the gap between theory and actionable implementation - Building rich, real lives means prioritizing DEI in personal and professional relationships - True impact requires enduring skepticism and surviving the labor of change QUOTABLES  “Power is important to me. Particularly because I think there are a lot of people who have it that are not using it in ways to make the kinds of impact that I think power really can.” - Amber Cabral “I know I'm not doing a good job if I haven't apologized at least once a week.” - Amber Cabral “Inclusion isn't everyone all the time.” - Amber Cabral “This is not about the workplace. This is about how you show up in the world.” - Jessica Hurley Amber Cabral  IG | @bamcabral LinkedIn | @ambercabral Facebook | @amber.cabral Twitter | @BamCabral  Tune in to the Guilty Privilege Podcast with Amber Cabral Grab a copy of Amber’s books at Amazon!  Allies and Advocates: Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Culture Say More About That: ...And Other Ways to Speak Up, Push Back, and Advocate for Yourself and Others -  Love what you’re hearing? Follow Jessica Hurley and share the love! IG | @jessicahurley__  Rich In Real Life is produced by EPYC Media Network 

EP265: DEI in Real Life: A Practical Guide on Allyship & Advocacy with Amber Cabral

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