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How the System Turns Victims into Criminals
How the System Turns Victims into Criminals

How the System Turns Victims into Criminals

In the fourth episode of the Creating Communities of Care Podcast, we take a step away from the busy streets of Halifax to investigate the Justice System and the troubling overrepresentation of Black and Indigenous women in provincial and federal prison admissions. The Elizabeth Fry Society advocates for women involved in the Justice System. This advocacy looks different for each woman they work with, but what remains consistent is the organization’s commitment to their clients and to doing what’s right. In this episode we will hear how the Correctional Service of Canada treats women facing gender-based violence as equal participants in their partner’s abuse, often leading to their criminalization and eventual incarceration. But, we will also hear from the women who are working against these systems, and about the importance of hope when fighting a seemingly impossible fight. RESOURCES:If you heard parts of your own story in this podcast, and are interested in learning more about the organizations mentioned in this episode, please refer to the following: More about Creating Communities of Care https://creatingcommunities.ca/about-us/Association of Black Social Workers: Contact or intake number/email: ccc@nsabsw.ca OR 902-407-8809 Link to online intake portal: https://www.nsabsw.ca/contactus/ Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia: Contact or intake number/email: ed@efrymns.ca OR (902) 454-5041 Link to online intake portal: https://www.efrymns.ca/copy-of-apply-for-legal-support (select creating communities of care) OR https://www.efrymns.ca/contact Mi’kmaw Legal Support Network: Contact or intake number/email: 902-379-2042 OR 902-895-1141 Link to online intake portal: www.MLSN.ca Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre: Contact or intake number/email: contact@mymnfc.com OR denise@mymnfc.com OR 902-420-1576 Link to online intake portal: https://mymnfc.com/2020/01/contact-mnfc/

How the System Turns Victims into Criminals

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