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Culturally-Specific Programming
Culturally-Specific Programming

Culturally-Specific Programming

In the fifth episode of the Creating Communities of Care Podcast, we finally dive deep into culturally-specific programming: what it is, what it means for program participants, and the promise it holds for a better, more inclusive future. Each of the four partner organizations implement their own take on culturally-specific programming, borrowing from Afrocentric thinking and Indigenous customary law to deliver services that help make participants feel seen, heard, believed, and ultimately respected. The Mi’kmaq Legal Support Network’s sentencing circles are an example of this type of service delivery in action. RESOURCES:If you heard parts of your own story in this podcast, and are interested in learning more about the organizations mentioned in this episode, please refer to the following: More about Creating Communities of Care https://creatingcommunities.ca/about-us/Mi’kmaw Legal Support Network: Contact or intake number/email: 902-379-2042 OR 902-895-1141 Link to online intake portal: www.MLSN.ca Association of Black Social Workers: Contact or intake number/email: ccc@nsabsw.ca OR 902-407-8809 Link to online intake portal: https://www.nsabsw.ca/contactus/ Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia: Contact or intake number/email: ed@efrymns.ca OR (902) 454-5041 Link to online intake portal: https://www.efrymns.ca/copy-of-apply-for-legal-support (select creating communities of care) OR https://www.efrymns.ca/contact Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre: Contact or intake number/email: contact@mymnfc.com OR denise@mymnfc.com OR 902-420-1576 Link to online intake portal: https://mymnfc.com/2020/01/contact-mnfc/

Culturally-Specific Programming

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