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383 Big Brother and Sister are Watching
383 Big Brother and Sister are Watching

383 Big Brother and Sister are Watching

New podcasters hope to make a living off their show, the Women’s Listener Podcast Report is coming soon, Be Loud helps kids find their voices, Spotify Wrapped and more! Almost 30% of new podcasters hope to make a living from their show. Listen to find out if J&E are surprised at this. Click here to find out how Erica Mandy did it. Click here to read Elsie’s interview with Erica. The Women's Podcast Listener Report from Edison Research and SXM Media. Registration is open for the December 14 Webinar. Be Loud helps kids find their voices, connect with community. The Big Problem With Spotify Wrapped. It was mentioned in the article that “Spotify wrapped is a particularly shining example of the fact that Spotify’s business model is based on surveillance” and “at the end of every year people are celebrating the fact that Spotify is spying on them”. Jess shared her photos from AI Time Machine. Is there a security issue here? She Podcasts LIVE! (June 19 - 23, 2023) tickets are back on sale! We’ve added a few different ticket options and you can also reserve your hotel room. Check it out here! Tell us about yourselves! We've partnered with @thepodcasthost to gather some important information about the independent community of podcasters. Could you take a few mins to fill it out? You can help shape the future of our industry! shepodcasts.com/2022census We are collaborating with Marco Arment from Overcast . He has committed to continuing to feature podcasts led by people of marginalized genders. And we are thrilled. All women and non-binary folks please fill out this SUPER EASY FORM! DO IT NOW. She Podcasts thanks our Sponsors! → My Podcast Biz Here’s where to find us: Tik Tok Pinterest Twitter Facebook (Group) Facebook (Page) LinkedIn If you haven’t done it already, join the She Podcasts Facebook group! Did you know we have a membership? Click here to check it out. WAY TO CONNECT! Elsie (and occasionally Jess) will be texting you directly! - Sign up here! 302–240–3425, text yes or my.community.com/shepodcasts Send us your feedback, email feedback@shepodcasts.com! We can’t wait to hear from you!

383 Big Brother and Sister are Watching

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