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True Elderhood No Matter Your Age
True Elderhood No Matter Your Age

True Elderhood No Matter Your Age

First, know that this episode is for people of all ages, because we are all elders to someone (there are always people younger than us!) and we are constantly having opportunities for growth in our spiritual maturity throughout our entire life. The concepts I introduce in this episode help shape how we age and the choices we make at all stages of life. Too often we believe that as we age, we should try to look, feel, and act as young as possible. But the truth is, that’s not the freaking point. We discuss a world where elders are seen as wisdom keepers, guides, and mentors for the community. Where they possess a deep knowledge and understanding that is invaluable to younger generations.This won’t just happen. We need to see this as our role to our people, and make our life decisions from that place. Instead of just sitting around and saving money to retire and travel, we can make our spiritual growth and maturity more intentional.We’ll jam on how we can continue to challenge the idea that aging is a period of decline, and talk about a few of the elders that I personally look up to and respect.You will learn:// Why thinking of true elderhood and spiritual maturity matters at ALL ages// How we often view elderhood vs what’s possible// Why taking responsibility for our spiritual maturity is crucial for playing an essential role in our communities// Why modern industrialized society doesn’t hold reverence or wisdom the possibilities in aging// Some examples of elders I deeply respect and look up to and the lessons they taught me// How we can continue to challenge the idea that aging is a period of decline// How spiritual maturity allows us to make our spiritual growth intentional AND still leaves plenty of room for fun and relaxationResources:// Joanna Macy & her work// Dipa Ma & her work// Nature and the Human Soul, by Bill Plotkin// Episode 154: Off the Cushion - Activism + Spirituality// Episode 191: Soulcentric Adulthood// I’d love to hear from you! You can leave a review on the Rebel Buddhist Podcast on iTunes by clicking here// If you want to dive deeper into this Soul-level work and create a life of more freedom, adventure and purpose, head over to JoinFreedomSchool.com. It’s got everything you need in one place to build a foundation for a lifetime of self-exploration and freedom.// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist private group, and tune in every Wednesday as I go live with new inspiration and topics.

True Elderhood No Matter Your Age

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