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Ep. 05 "Do you need a Plumber for a Leaky Gut?"
Ep. 05 "Do you need a Plumber for a Leaky Gut?"

Ep. 05 "Do you need a Plumber for a Leaky Gut?"

Episode 05: Today I will discuss gut health! What is it? What causes a leaky gut, and how to improve your gut health. This isn't just for us, our pets have leaky guts too! You'll find out how to determine if your pet has a leaky gut and how to balance their intestinal flora. Q&A of the episode is: How can my gecko shed its skin regularly? I'll cover the techniques I've learned over the years having a gecko of my own for over 15 years!. Our star today is Cleo, the feature pet of the episode.Links for Reference:CDC Advisement for Animals to deal with Coronavirus:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.htmlTwo Cats in NY tested positive for Coronavirus:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/health/cats-pets-coronavirus.htmlLeaky Gut Resources: 7 foods to help with leaky gut with Dr. Axe: https://youtu.be/CVFA96t9G2IImmune disease info with Dr. Axe: https://youtu.be/Rjj5tStuiT4Animal leaky gut info: https://www.animalbiome.com/blog/no-guts-no-glory-does-my-dog-have-hidden-gut-issues Probiotics for Dogs: Proplan forti floraZesty PawsPet Honesty ProbioticsProbiotics for Cats: Proplan forti flora for catsPremo cat probioticsVetriScience for catsProbiotics for You: Primal ProbioticsDr. Formulated ProbioticsSolaray mycrobiome probioticsGecko Trouble Shooting Shedding Tips:1. Feed a high protein diet of mainly live crickets2. Moisturize their habitat, by creating a sauna: spray tank, the gecko and under the rock3. Give gecko a warm bath, once skin is soft, gently help peel off skin 4. Leave skin in tank and provide extra calcium such as Repti-cal in the tank.5. Remember: leaving skin toes can cause them to fall off. Keep an eye out after 72 hours if skin is still present. 6. Reach out to your exotic vet if all else fails, and check to see if there isn't an underlying issue.Cleo: http://www.fourpaws.org/pages/adopting_pages/onlinefair/adopt_cleop.html4Paws Rescue Team: http://www.fourpaws.org/Live in Falls Church, Arlington, McLean or Tyson's and need pet care? www.crcpetservice.comFollow us on IG: @crcpetserviceHave a question, a suggestion for the show or you have a business or product and want to sponsor an episode? Email: petfluffpodcast@gmail.comEpisode 06: Premiering Wednesday May 13th: With all of us working from home and being in quarantine, our house may be in disarray! I will help you find tips and tricks to keep your home tidy and your pet safe in the home. Plus how to keep your cats from being passive aggressive towards each other. Check me out EVERY 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for NEW Episodes!Support the show (https://paypal.me/CLyon?locale.x=en_US)

Ep. 05 "Do you need a Plumber for a Leaky Gut?"

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