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Grief Doesn't Fit In A Box, But You Can Make A List - What's Your Grief
Grief Doesn't Fit In A Box, But You Can Make A List - What's Your Grief

Grief Doesn't Fit In A Box, But You Can Make A List - What's Your Grief

Have you found it difficult to read anything longer than a paragraph since your person died? It's a phenomenon familiar, both personally and professionally, to Eleanor Haley, MS & Litsa Williams, MA, LCSW-C. Eleanor & Litsa started the What's Your Grief community back in 2012 as a way to create the kind of grief resources they most needed in their own lives and for the clients they supported. They just published their first book, What's Your Grief - Lists to Help You Through Any Loss, and it will come as no surprise that it's filled with lists designed to help you better absorb information about grief from death and non-death losses.   If you missed Eleanor & Litsa's first appearance on Grief Out Loud, go back and listen to Ep. 22: Grief & Becoming a Parent.   

Grief Doesn't Fit In A Box, But You Can Make A List - What's Your Grief

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