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Ep 11: My Story Owning My Worth & Releasing Judgment
Ep 11: My Story Owning My Worth & Releasing Judgment

Ep 11: My Story Owning My Worth & Releasing Judgment

In this episode, I get really personal about the trauma in my past, the issues that I had to overcome, and how they ultimately brought me to where I am today. I also share the story of how I met my husband and what happened before we moved to Colorado, ultimately leading us to our move to Puerto Rico. This is a very personal and emotional episode in which I share my journey through different relationships, learning to own my worth, and getting better at releasing judgment in every part of my life. Tune in for another dose of Grace for Breakfast! Find me on Instagram @ivianabynum and say hi!To help strengthen in your journey to less overwhelm and more peace, I’ve created a free 12 lesson course, unpacking the 3 Keys to Inner Peace.To become a Share the Grace Podcast Supporter, click here and access deeper, behind the scenes content!

Ep 11: My Story Owning My Worth & Releasing Judgment

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