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Ep 17: Powerful Tips for a Healthy Marriage- A Chat with my Husband Bhreon Bynum
Ep 17: Powerful Tips for a Healthy Marriage- A Chat with my Husband Bhreon Bynum

Ep 17: Powerful Tips for a Healthy Marriage- A Chat with my Husband Bhreon Bynum

In this episode, my husband and I share the nitty gritty about how we’ve made it work from the beginning and on a day to day basis. We share how humility & understanding play a huge role in our relationship, the decisions we had to make from the beginning, how to communicate effectively, and much more. We talk about how to have a strong partnership and even answer the question about whether trust is a decision or if it’s earned. We talk about what’s forgivable and unforgivable in a relationship and what conversations to have before you get married. As you can see, this episode is jam-packed and you don’t want to miss it! Tune into this episode now and share it with all your friends who are single, married, and in relationships! Then, tag me on Instagram @ivianabynum when you do! Want more? Become a Share the Grace podcast supporter and for only $5 you’ll get content that brings these lessons to life. Click here or reach out to me to learn more

Ep 17: Powerful Tips for a Healthy Marriage- A Chat with my Husband Bhreon Bynum

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