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Criminologist on the real impact of financial crimes, Ep. 129 with Dr. Emily Homer
Criminologist on the real impact of financial crimes, Ep. 129 with Dr. Emily Homer

Criminologist on the real impact of financial crimes, Ep. 129 with Dr. Emily Homer

Dr. Emily Homer, ACFE, returns to Fraudish for an update on her career, projects with the ACFE and so much more related to fraud and criminology. Listen to the full episode for some valuable points on legal treatment of white collar criminals, the real impact of financial crime, and how we use pop culture to teach fraud. Dr. Homer is a graduate of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisville. She is currently a Research Specialist with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Her academic research focuses on theoretical explanations of financial crime with an eye toward prevention and detection. She hopes to help bridge the gap between scholars and practitioners and create financial crime work that will benefit both groups. Her publications have appeared in the Journal of White-Collar and Corporate Crime, Journal of Financial Crime, and Criminal Justice Policy Review, among others. Show Notes:Dr. Emily Homer Linkedin

Criminologist on the real impact of financial crimes, Ep. 129 with Dr. Emily Homer

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