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Cyrina Talbott: You're Valuable Right Now As You Are
Cyrina Talbott: You're Valuable Right Now As You Are

Cyrina Talbott: You're Valuable Right Now As You Are

When your self worth is tied up in your business, or your job, or your role as a mother - you take EVERYTHING personally. Everything feels to you a reflection of whatever you’re doing right, or whatever you’re doing wrong and no matter what - it’s never good enough. If you have a 'good day' at the office and feel good about yourself, it feels okay. But when you have a bad day and feel like crap - you've woven your value into your performance and the two should remain separate! "I was so driven with the need to get approval from this, and my self-worth was wrapped up in it so the idea of letting it go, even though it was the exact thing I needed to do, was super hard for me." - Cyrina Talbott Show Notes: www.friedtheburnoutpodcast.com/post/cyrina-talbott Follow on IG: www.instagram.com/friedtheburnoutpodcast Follow Cyrina: www.instagram.com/cyrinatalbott FIND Cyrina: https://www.cyrinatalbott.com/ Learn about Rapid Transformational Therapy: Rapid Transformational Therapy Don't forget to leave a review on Itunes! It helps small shows like mine get more ears :) Thanks for joining me to #endburnoutculture

Cyrina Talbott: You're Valuable Right Now As You Are

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