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#straightfromcait Burnout Prevention vs. Burnout RECOVERY
#straightfromcait Burnout Prevention vs. Burnout RECOVERY

#straightfromcait Burnout Prevention vs. Burnout RECOVERY

A special edition of FRIED: The Burnout Podcast brought to you #straightfromcait based on feedback that you provided! This is the very first thing I need you to know when you're learning about burnout. There are loads of stress management tips out there - but they are useless if you're ALREADY burnt out. And because I know that you wait until things are bad until you reach out for help, I know that the information that's out there isn't getting you where you need to go. Here's where you start - by differentiating burnout prevention from burnout recovery and understanding that burnout isn't just a MINDSET issue. It's a physiological set of changes in your body, gut, and brain that need to be addressed! There are no shortcuts in Burnout Recovery - and the journey starts here. LISTEN. LEAVE A REVIEW. SHARE WITH A FRIEND WHO COULD USE SOME BURNOUT HEALING. #endburnoutculture

#straightfromcait Burnout Prevention vs. Burnout RECOVERY

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