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141: The Starfish Parable and What It Means For You as a Business Owner
141: The Starfish Parable and What It Means For You as a Business Owner

141: The Starfish Parable and What It Means For You as a Business Owner

FIRE FRIDAY - Story time! I heard a story a few days ago that I knew I'd have to share with this community because it had such a massive impact on me. It's the Starfish Parable and whether you've heard this story or not, you'll want to hear this episode because in addition to sharing the story, I'm sharing how it applies to you as a business owner in today's world. Apply for the Money & Marketing Catalyst: applymmc.com 50% off Flodesk for life: flodesk.com/c/HAYLEY Get 50% off Honeybook: share.honeybook.com/hayleyluckadoo

141: The Starfish Parable and What It Means For You as a Business Owner

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