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Ep 56 - Ajna centre in HD AKA. how we form opinions and how to vocalize effectively
Ep 56 - Ajna centre in HD AKA. how we form opinions and how to vocalize effectively

Ep 56 - Ajna centre in HD AKA. how we form opinions and how to vocalize effectively

Hey everyone!  This podcast is about the ajna centre in Human Design.  This centre handles researching, investigation, analyzation, and categorization - all things that have a role of you analyzing the world around you and how you make sense of it, helping you to build it in yourself. It’s also the centre where you are able to form opinions, judgements and points of view.  Today we will learn how to use this centre in a way that feels energetically correct for you 

Ep 56 - Ajna centre in HD AKA. how we form opinions and how to vocalize effectively

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