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Ep 245: Yeehaw
Ep 245: Yeehaw

Ep 245: Yeehaw

While not part of the mainstream image of country music, the reality is there are and have been Latinx artists making country music for a long time. Today we explore some of those artists and the boundaries of what Latinx country music is. Featuring music by Caballo Dorado, Linda Rondstadt, Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Veronique Medrano, Hurray for the Riff Raff, Sammy Arriaga, Laura Denisse y Los Brillantes, Lalo Cameros, Jesse & Joy. Follow us: instagram.com/RadioMenea twitter.com/RadioMenea newsletter: bit.ly/RMjoin

Ep 245: Yeehaw

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