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912:  Women Who BossUp With Tam R. Luc
912:  Women Who BossUp With Tam R. Luc

912: Women Who BossUp With Tam R. Luc

BioTam Luc is the founder of the Women Who BossUp book series.Cultural BackgroundTam is of African American descent.Favorite Self Confidence QuoteConfidence comes from consistency.  Consistency is not without failure.Definition of Self ConfidenceSelf confidence is just being able to do it and stop waiting for permission. Her Life Before the Discovery of Self ConfidenceTam was mess.  She leaned into entrepreneurship since she saw her parents succeed in that field without graduating from college.  Tam tried entrepreneurship for 17 years and part of the reason why it took long was because she did graduate from college and she felt she needed permission to start her journey.  Because her parents did not graduate from college, they were more confident to knock on doors to make that sale while Tam hesitated.The “AHA” MomentTam's mom passed away and that made her realize that time does not go on forever.   She also realized that now is the time to take action.  It was in this moment that gave her the confidence to write her first book and boss up in her journey.  One of her biggest reasons she takes action is to make her mom proud.Her Life After the Discovery of Self ConfidenceTam has been able to expand her purpose and she has more clarity than ever to boss up in her journey.The One Self Confidence Tip for the Listener Find someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish and be mentored by them.  Get a coach to help you figure out your journey.Interview LinksTam's WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInTiktokIf you would like to connect with Sheena, here is the following:Connect with me: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok | LinkedIn | YouTube | WebsiteP.S. If you are looking for ways to help women in your company increase their self-confidence to become effective leaders, you can contact me as I hold workshops and talks on this subject. You can contact me here.P.P.S. Preorder my upcoming book Bridging the Confidence Gap. Click here to preorder your copy of the bookP.P.P.S. Order my book Wiley today. Click here to order your copy of the book.  Want to manifest like a queen?  Click here to learn how.

912: Women Who BossUp With Tam R. Luc

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