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Episode 2: Vulnerability & Fear of Exposure
Episode 2: Vulnerability & Fear of Exposure

Episode 2: Vulnerability & Fear of Exposure

Today on the show, our co-host Monica will be talking about her recent "vulnerability hangover." She describes her dismay when it dawns on her that she wont be able to hide as much now that the podcast is live. She struggles to honor all the parts of herself in the face of overexposure, and shares what came up for her in this podcast launch and how her "mess became her message."  We talk about why knowing your truth is important, what you can learn from difficult situations, how to show up authentically and much more. "How do I show up authentically with all of me? And be able to share all of me without offending someone along the way?" - Monica Rodgers. Learn more about this episode of The Revelation Project with Monica Rodgers and Andrea Willets at www.jointherevelation.com/02

Episode 2: Vulnerability & Fear of Exposure

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