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Kajal Desai And Bollywood Fitness
Kajal Desai And Bollywood Fitness

Kajal Desai And Bollywood Fitness

Launching our new South Asian Trailblazers interview series, we sit and chat with the Co-Founder of Doonya Bollywood Fitness, Kajal Desai.  Kajal talks about going from being a management consultant to helping create the first large-scale Bollywood dance-centric workout program that lead her to the Oprah Winfrey show and The Today Show. She shares her journey to “almost famous” and how it changed her life. Also on the show, we start our Who Run The World segment, discussing a light-hearted, inspirational moment this week that and close out with our Song of the Week.   Send all feedback to AmiTuckeredOut@gmail.com Website: http://amituckeredout.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/amituckeredout Facebook: http://facebook.com/amituckeredout

Kajal Desai And Bollywood Fitness

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