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Ep. 77 - Create the Clarity to Build a Successful Business and Achieve Your Dreams
Ep. 77 - Create the Clarity to Build a Successful Business and Achieve Your Dreams

Ep. 77 - Create the Clarity to Build a Successful Business and Achieve Your Dreams

In today’s episode, Brooke speaks with Cassandra Rosa, a business coaching and award winning speaker and author of Now What: Create the Clarity to Achieve Your Dreams. She also hosts the podcast called Clarity Conversations. Cassandra knew she wanted to make a difference in the world from a very young age. She pursued a degree in psychology and in the middle of it, she did volunteer work in Africa and fell in love with it. When she returned from her trip, she felt like she needed to do things the mainstream way but kept having feelings of doing more. After about 6 months, she decided to follow her dreams and left corporate and worked on personal development. She felt like this is the mentorship she wanted to do in her life. She launched her business in 2019 and in 6 months, she left her full time job and started traveling to mentor people. Her challenge early on was going through Imposter Syndrome. She wondered why someone would want to work with her when they could work with someone big. It held her back initially but she realized you needed to be a few steps ahead of people to create that authenticity to help people. Her biggest challenge was figuring out what she was going to offer. When she initially launched, she acknowledged that she was creating her offering for a prior version of herself and she began to attract so many people and it allowed her to have a deeper connection and understanding what her clients were going through. The traditional ways of making money burned Cassandra out in the first year. She learned that it’s important to balance your energies and be in the creative flow state as well as taking the action state. The ambition piece - destination syndrome she calls it, is something she redefined during the pandemic because she can anchor those feelings into each step of the journey and not wait to achieve that. It’s been more fun instead of reaching so far and feeling disconnected in the present moment. Cassandra makes a goal to step into a certain state, such as when you want more joy and bliss and freedom, now, what can you do to feel that? The clarity will come when you can get out of your own head. Mentorship a good resource and is important to utilize to get support and using tools like Instagram to follow people who can teach you. Her biggest failure was having launches and not hitting numbers she wanted but it helped point her in the right direction and redefining those instances into learning opportunities that can point you into the right direction. Life is a journey, not a destination is her favorite quote because it looks into the gratitude and the presence of the stepping stones and milestones we achieve along the way and basking in that. Cassandra Rosa is an intuitive certified life and business coach. She helps female entrepreneurs create fulfilling businesses with clarity and confidence. In her coaching practice, she loves to teach her clients how to clarify their path to their purpose, connect to their inner confidence and create the fulfilling business they daydream about. Cassandra Rosa is a healer, Reiki master, an award-winning speaker, and award-winning author of the book Now What: Create the Clarity to Achieve Your Dreams. Cassandra also is a podcast host of personal development and business podcast called Clarity Conversations. It’s available on all major podcast platforms!I work with spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to… clarify their path to purpose  - Gain clarity of what a fulfilling business looks like for you so you have not only a refined vision and mission but the tools to manifest it!embody confidence -Form unshakeable confidence so that you achieve your goals without having the fear and self-doubt run the show.create an impactful business  - Create a business you daydream about simply and authentically so that you no longer feel stuck with how to start. Links:http://www.cassandrarosa.comInstagram: CassandrarosaaPurchase Now What: Create the Clarity to Achieve Your DreamsJoin Allobee:https://www.allobee.com/plus

Ep. 77 - Create the Clarity to Build a Successful Business and Achieve Your Dreams

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