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528: Being Diagnosed with Biliary Hyperkinesia and What is Means
528: Being Diagnosed with Biliary Hyperkinesia and What is Means

528: Being Diagnosed with Biliary Hyperkinesia and What is Means

Have you ever heard of Biliary Dyskinesia?  In this episode, I'll be opening up about my recent diagnosis of biliary hyperkinesia, discussing the symptoms I've experienced, and sharing the steps I'm taking to manage it. My hope is that by sharing my journey, it may offer support or guidance to anyone else who may be facing similar challenges or has a loved one going through a similar experience.  Disclaimer: Please note that this podcast episode is based on my personal journey with Biliary Hyperkinesia. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice and treatment options. In this episode you will learn: My Understanding Biliary Hyperkinesia: Learn about the uncommon disorder characterized by abnormal gallbladder contractions and its symptoms. Personal Experience: Hear a firsthand account of the journey with Biliary Hyperkinesia, from initial symptoms to diagnosis and ongoing treatment. Diagnostic Process: Gain insights into the diagnostic process, including medical tests like ultrasounds, bloodwork, colonoscopy, and the HIDA scan. Treatment Options: Discover the various treatment options available for managing Biliary Hyperkinesia. Coping Strategies and Support: Explore coping strategies, including being your own advocate, joining support groups, and prioritizing mental health, along with advice for listeners and loved ones. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thelatinamomlegacy/support

528: Being Diagnosed with Biliary Hyperkinesia and What is Means

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