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12. Juzi Live: Have a Bite of China Nostalgia
12. Juzi Live: Have a Bite of China Nostalgia

12. Juzi Live: Have a Bite of China Nostalgia

The uncertainty of this historic moment has made nostalgia for the past cool again. As part of Juzi Podcast’s “Retro and Cool " series ,David and Siok share their favorite food memories growing up, why everyone now wants a bite of China nostalgia, from the ecommerce boom of time honored food brands to the popularity of restaurants with retro themes. They also share Chinese phrases you can use when you wax lyrical about your fondest culinary experiences from times past. For bilingual show notes on the Mandarin vocabulary shared during the episode, visit the official Juzi The Mandarin Podcast website at http://juzi.sg . Join Siok and David every Wednesday at 8pm Singapore time (UTC+0800) for their live cast on Facebook :https://facebook.com/juzipodcast   橘子播客:「怀旧时光机」之 「舌尖上的岁月」 现实生活越是不确定,我们就愈发渴望回到从前,曾几何时,怀旧成了80后90后追捧的时尚生活方式。 民以食为天,舌尖上的记忆回味无穷,是怀旧时光机里必不可少的。这一期的桔子播客, 大卫和惜惜会聊聊「舌尖上的岁月」, 从中国百年老字号的振兴到怀旧主题餐厅的红火, 并且分享和怀旧相关的中文词汇。

12. Juzi Live: Have a Bite of China Nostalgia

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