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Being LGBTQ+ and Jewish: Negotiating Intersecting Identities {with Ben M. Freeman}
Being LGBTQ+ and Jewish: Negotiating Intersecting Identities {with Ben M. Freeman}

Being LGBTQ+ and Jewish: Negotiating Intersecting Identities {with Ben M. Freeman}

Karen sits down with Ben M. Freeman for an important conversation about what it’s like being LGBTQ+ and Jewish. As a minority within a minority, LGBTQ+ Jews negotiate intersecting identities every day - and the Jewish community doesn’t often give their struggles and triumphs the attention they deserve. Ben talks about how his gay identity spurred him on to start the Jewish pride revolution, how to make our communities more welcoming and safe for LGBTQ+ Jews, and why it’s so important that all of us - especially those of us who don’t identify as LGBTQ+ - start initiating conversations about inclusivity. You’ll find out: - Why some of the loudest voices against antisemitism are LGBTQ+ Jews - How the Jewish community can do more to support our LGBTQ+ members - Why Ben thinks Tel Aviv is the best place in the world to be an LGBTQ+ Jew - Ben’s practical tips on building inclusive communities  - Why it’s so important to make LGBTQ+ Jews part of the conversation  - How Ben’s experience in the gay pride movement inspired him to start the Jewish pride revolution LINKS: Ben M. Freeman https://benmfreeman.com/ Ben on Instagram https://instagram.com/benmfreeman/ Ben on Twitter https://twitter.com/benmfreeman/ Eve Barlow https://www.instagram.com/evebarlow/ Blake Flayton https://www.instagram.com/blakeflayton/   Hen Mazzig https://www.instagram.com/henmazzig/ Jake Cohen https://www.instagram.com/jakecohen/ Smashing Life, my Jewish community https://smashinglife.club/ Jewish Joy Journal - get a 10% discount with the code “JEWISHJOYPODCAST” https://jewishjoyjournal.com/

Being LGBTQ+ and Jewish: Negotiating Intersecting Identities {with Ben M. Freeman}

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