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Bringing Moshiach Energy with Modi, the comedian making Jewish humor cool
Bringing Moshiach Energy with Modi, the comedian making Jewish humor cool

Bringing Moshiach Energy with Modi, the comedian making Jewish humor cool

Karen sits down with Modi, the comedian known for his lighthearted takes on the ups and downs of Jewish life in the 21st century, and he’s got so much insight to share about everything from why the Jews are the ‘choosing people’ rather than the chosen people, to how to double down on Jewish joy in a time of rising antisemitism. You’ll find out: - What Modi’s learned from performing in Jewish communities all over the world - The difference between American and British Jews - What Moshiach energy is all about  - Where Modi gets his material  - What it’s like for Modi working with his husband, Leo - Why Jews are the choosing people, not the chosen people - Modi’s advice on increasing your Jewish joy  - How Modi makes his shows enjoyable and accessible for both Jews and non-Jews - What Modi’s Israeli-American upbringing was like - Why Modi’s not funny offstage LINKS: Modi’s Website https://www.modilive.com/ Modi’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/modi_live/ Modi’s Shabbat Shalom clip https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiPw_S0L5rm/ Modi’s Podcast https://andheresmodi.buzzsprout.com/ Smashing Life, my Jewish community https://smashinglife.club/ Jewish Joy Journal - get a 10% discount with the code “JEWISHJOYPODCAST” https://jewishjoyjournal.com/

Bringing Moshiach Energy with Modi, the comedian making Jewish humor cool

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