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31: Self-Care for Introverted and HSP Moms
31: Self-Care for Introverted and HSP Moms

31: Self-Care for Introverted and HSP Moms

Doña Bumgarner is a coach, mama, and an introvert, who works with creative entrepreneurs who want to do meaningful work and also be awesome moms. They want to get out from under the guilt and overwhelm and find a little space for themselves again - but it feels impossible to balance all the pieces. She helps them focus their time and energy so they can confidently pursue their passions, make a difference in the world AND be present and engaged moms. She loves to help women ditch their guilt, get back in control of their time and conquer their overwhelming to-do lists. In this episode we talk about practical tips and ways introverted and highly sensitive moms can have more balance in their life. For full show notes: www.nicoleburgesscoaching.com/ep31

31: Self-Care for Introverted and HSP Moms

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