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Catherine Gray/Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy Trailblazers in Venture Capital Ep. 394
Catherine Gray/Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy Trailblazers in Venture Capital Ep. 394

Catherine Gray/Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy Trailblazers in Venture Capital Ep. 394

Catherine Gray, the host of Invest In Her, interviews Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy, Managing Directors of the Mastersfund™ and co-hosts of the VC, Confidential podcast.   Anne launched one of the pioneer SEO agencies, co-founded the world’s largest consortium of digital marketing companies and authored the book Global Search Engine Marketing, the authoritative work on the subject. Anne is a recognized thought leader in international digital marketing and gender lens investing. She is a long term advisor to technology conferences, the U.S. State Department, German Marshall Fund and Swiss Contact, as well as keynote speaker and lecturer at hundreds of conferences and briefings worldwide.   Gillian Muessig is a co-founder of several tech startups, including Moz, the world’s most popular provider of digital marketing software. In addition to serving on dozens of Boards of Directors and Advisors worldwide, Muessig has served as a tech advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and has been a business and program advisor to the U.S. State Department, German Marshall Fund, SwissContact, the government of Macedonia, and others.   www.sheangelinvestors.com 

Catherine Gray/Gillian Muessig and Anne Kennedy Trailblazers in Venture Capital Ep. 394

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