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Episode 152: Why Belonging At Work Matters
Episode 152: Why Belonging At Work Matters

Episode 152: Why Belonging At Work Matters

At a time when many people are feeling the most intense isolation because of the pandemic, there is one thing that we're all looking for - connection and a sense of belonging. We all have an intrinsic need for a sense of belonging and connection and as the majority of our time is spent at work, it is key that we identity ways to foster an environment where we can bring our authentic selves to work and be the best version of ourselves. In this episode, we're going to discuss community at work, why it's important, how it affects performance, and how you can make communities at work even more powerful. DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTH & BARRIERS TO SUCCESS Take the free assessment and get your personalized report. Go to https://www.iambeyondbarriers.com/quiz Highlights: [01:06] Why community at work is important [02:08] Diversity, inclusion, and belonging [04:30] How the sense of belonging affects performance [06:03] Employee Resource Groups [08:58] How ERG leaders can empower the community [10:48] Leveraging your Employee Resource Group   Quotes: “When you are able to be your authentic self at work, it allows you to focus on your work and be more productive.” – Monica Marquez “The best thing an ERG community leader can do is stay plugged in to the community.” – Monica Marquez “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” – Verna Myers   About Nikki Barua: Nikki Barua is a digital innovator, serial entrepreneur, author & speaker. Website: https://www.nikkibarua.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenikkibarua/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenikkibarua/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thenikkibarua/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NikkiBarua   About Monica Marquez: Monica Marquez is a senior corporate leader, ex-Googler, and diversity expert. Website: https://themonicamarquez.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMonicaMarquez/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themonicamarquez/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/themonicamarquez/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/themmarquez  

Episode 152: Why Belonging At Work Matters

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