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Episode 83: How to Overcome Fear and Find Your Way as a Leader -- with Carly Fiorina
Episode 83: How to Overcome Fear and Find Your Way as a Leader -- with Carly Fiorina

Episode 83: How to Overcome Fear and Find Your Way as a Leader -- with Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina began her career as a secretary for a nine-person real-estate business, and eventually became the first woman ever to lead a Fortune 50 company as the CEO of Hewlett Packard. Her amazing career even includes running for the U.S. presidency in 2015. Now, Carly is the founder and chairman of Carly Fiorina Enterprises and of Unlocking Potential, a nonprofit organization that helps local leaders increase their leadership and problem-solving capabilities.  Carly is also a best-selling author. She shares her amazing leadership journey and lessons learned in her third book, “Find Your Way,” which was released in early 2019.  During this podcast episode, Carly shares: Examples of how she learned to problem-solve early in her career How she faced her fear and overcame bullies in the workplace Why she wrote her latest book, “Find Your Way” How she helps leaders build and practice their leadership skills How she selects the leaders who she interviews on her podcast, “By Example” You can find more information about Carly’s work on her website, www.carlyfiorina.com, and learn more about "By Example," her podcast where she interviews extraordinary leaders about their experiences and lessons that listeners can learn from. A full episode transcript is available here.

Episode 83: How to Overcome Fear and Find Your Way as a Leader -- with Carly Fiorina

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