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133: Sustainable Business Planning with Anjel B Hartwell
133: Sustainable Business Planning with Anjel B Hartwell

133: Sustainable Business Planning with Anjel B Hartwell

Anjel B Hartwell and I are talking about planning a sustainable business, and no one better for this conversation than the Wealthy Life Mentor! Anjel has had ALL the experiences in business, and she uses them to make her the mentor that she is. She tells us how she started and about choices she made that weren't ideal, but still shaped her and added to her understanding. And that brings the wisdom to guide others.Anjel is a member of the New England Podcasters Group - that's how I got to know her. She currently is the host of 2 podcasts: Wickedly Smart Women and Leading Visionaries. She was one of the first, if not the first person to sell a podcast, showing just how badass she is. She talks about leveraging virtual speaking engagements to gain exposure to millions and opportunities to earn money.She also is a mom and forager and cooks up a storm, and has stories to share about all.I just loved Anjel's message she wanted you to remember from our talk: "Getting support for building the business you are dreaming of is essential." I hope you enjoy this conversation - I sure did!You can find Anjel B Hartwell everywhere- https://www.facebook.com/anjelbhartwellhttps://www.instagram.com/anjelbhartwellhttps://www.pinterest.com/anjelbhartwellhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/anjelbhartwellhttp://www.twitter.com/anjelbhartwell https://www.facebook.com/thewealthylifementor/https://www.facebook.com/wickedlysmartwomenhttp://www.facebook.com/leadingvisionariescommunity/http://instagram.com/leadingvisionariespodcast You can send me messages(this is new!)!Support the showPlease follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here YouTube channel link is here You can DM me there or email me at amysgardenjam@gmail.com Website for Amy's Garden Jam is https://amysgardenjam.com/ (podcast has its own tab on this site!)How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at https://www.janebolduc.com/Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/cute_but_loud/ and check out her awesome art projects. Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform with the best customer service! Learn more at https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1851361 You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/groundedinmaine Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at https://esgreview.net/

133: Sustainable Business Planning with Anjel B Hartwell

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